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If it's broke, we can Fix-It! Registration now open for our Fall-Fix it clinic

Does your game need a tune-up after league play this Summer? Are you looking to add some new tools to your game? If so, check out our new “Fall Fix-It” clinic!

Our experienced group of technicians (the awesome Meadow Creek Pros) will diagnose your game, fix what may be broken, and add new tools all in effort to improve your overall performance on the court.

This 4-week clinic (90 minutes/week) is limited to 4 players per Pro. You can register individually, as a doubles team, or in a group of 4. We will find a time that works for you and your group.

Clinic starts mid-October. Contact Radka Lacjak at 303.232.6272 ext. 16, or email her at to get registered. 

$120/Members    $142/Non-Members